Swansea University Students' Union

Swansea University Students' Union (Welsh: Undeb Myfyrwyr Prifysgol Abertawe) is the students' union for Swansea University and is part of the part of National Union of Students of the United Kingdom. The Student Union aims to promote the interests of its students. It is currently located on the Swansea University campus in Union House,[1] and also has offices in Fulton House- an adjacent building which the university plans to tear down during renovation of the university.[2]



The Student's Union is a democracy governed by a constitution.[3] As of July 2008, the new Union Constitution came into effect. All students of Swansea University are automatically enrolled into the Union at the beginning of each term and then have the right to produce and vote on motions at the Student Forums. Representing the students are the Sabbatical officers, Executive, Societies and a Course Rep assembly. There are also management staff to help with the running of the Union.

Student Forums

Student Forums are held every 3 weeks of term to help keep the union in contact with its members. All union members are welcome to attend, and attendance of society committees is compulsory. Student Forums and the Annual Forum are an opportunity for elected officials to be publicly scrutinised about their policy decisions. Many decisions have been made in these Student Forums, such as the decision to ban Nestle from the Spars, to support the National Demonstration of 2010 and to support protests against the cuts to the Modern Foreign Languages Department.

Minutes of these meetings are generally made available on the Student Union's website and will be streamed online as of September 2011. Previously, meetings were recorded and these audio files were made available for those with an interest in exact decisions of previous meetings, and in a similar vein video highlights will be made accessible in the future.[4]

The Executive

The Executive sets the policy and direction of the Union, and follows through with policy made at the Student Forums. Commonly referred to as the 'Exec', it is made up of the elected 6 full-time Officers and 13 part-time elected officers and representatives. The Chair of the Committee is the Union President.

The Sabbatical Team 2011/12

Name Title/Job
Luke James President
Eleri Jones Women's Officer
Tom Upton Societies & Services Officer
Rhiannon Hedge Education Officer
Charlotte Britton Welfare Officer
V.R.S.A Mahaboob Basha International Officer

The Sabbatical Team 2010/11

Name Title/Job
Luke Young President
Raegan Healy Women's Officer
Raechel Mattey Societies & Services Officer
Luke James Education Officer
Lance Horsey Welfare Officer
Andy Patton International Officer


The Union runs a variety of services including several general stores (Brynmill Key, Level 2, and Hendrefoilan Spar), coffee shops (Just Coffee), and student bars ( JC's, and Woody’s). They also have an Advice & Support Centre and a Nursery.

Advice and Support Centre

The Union runs the Support Centre which has 2 full time welfare advisors. It is a free and confidential service that gives advice on a variety of topics, such as debt, academic problems, consumer advice, housing, contracts, personal issues, employment and health.

The Advice and Support Centre is open Open Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm. To make an appointment email advice@swansea-union.co.uk or telephone Jen Preece on 01792 295821, alternatively you can call in to the offices on the Ground Floor of Fulton House, opposite the Digital Technium.[5]

Swansea Accommodation Service

The Students' Union officially launched Swansea Accommodation Service (SAS) on 1 February 2007 in the Digital Technium. The Students' Union took the decision to create Swansea Accommodation Service because "it wanted to improve the standard of accommodation available to students, which in turn may help to reduce the high level of complaints made by students every year" [6] SAS has recently moved offices to the front of Fulton House.


JC's is situated on the second floor of Fulton House, and is the Students' Union's bar and coffee shop. It runs a karaoke night on Saturdays and a themed quiz night on Sundays. A popular venue with students, the bar has recently reopened after undergoing significant renovation in time for its reopening in September 2011.

The Wonky Sheep

The Wonky Sheep is situated in the heart of the student village. Prior to its refit in 2006 it was called "Idols Bar", then known as "Woodys" until 2011. The bar is known for its themed nights, friendly bar and door staff, and end of year Carnival.


K2 was known as KopyShop until 2005, at which point it was relocated from Fulton House to the third floor of Union House. K2 no longer exists, but there are printing and photocopying facilities for officers and societies in the Entertainments Office.


Divas is the student night club, previously named DV8. There was a competition in 1993 to rename the student union bar after it moved from the top floor of the student union building to the first floor. While on the top floor the bar had been called the "Mandela Bar" in honour of the South African freedom campaigner. This was won by Mr Rhys Sage (now a professional photographer) who was a guest at the opening of the bar. The opening was reported in the Student Union journal then called "Bad Press".

Divas hosts Tooters, a Friday club night with £2 entry, two rooms of music and two drinks for £2 each night. It usually features student DJs from the radio station.

Xtreme Lounge

Xtreme Lounge, named after Xtreme Radio, the Union's Radio Station is located in the first floor of union house and currently acts as the second music zone of the main student nightclub Divas. During the day, the room is used by societies. Previously the room was called the Green Room and operated as a café until summer 2006 when it was closed down. Students spoke against this action several times as they were not consulted on the matter.[7]

Sin City

Sin City is a nightclub and live music venue, which opened December 2006 and was originally partly owned by Swansea University Students’ Union. In 2010 Swansea University Students' Union took full ownership of the club.


Media-wise the Students' Union operates the newspaper Waterfront and the radio station Xtreme Radio. However, two student run online media outlets have appeared since 2010: The Student Activist Diary and The Siren

Xtreme Radio

Xtreme Radio is Swansea University's Student Union Radio Station, founded in 1968, making it the third oldest in the UK. It broadcasts around the campus, through the Union's shops and the Student Swansea Box Office as well as online. It is run by students, and the committee is democratically elected from the society members each year.

Financial Information

Between 20 Mar 1967, and 19 Jun 2002, the Students' Union was a registered charity.[8] During 2002 the Union withdrew from the Charities commission, and has since enjoyed 'Exempt Charity' status, as set out by UK legislation .[9]

The alteration in the Unions charitable status had the effect of forestalling the Charities Commissioners investigation into, amongst other things, the whereabouts of a missing cash sum (£14,000).[10] During the same year the Union experienced a crisis of liquidity (see graph). Being in a net-debt of £24,000, its position was salvaged via a loan from Swansea University and the imposition of a voluntary all-staff Wage freeze.[11]

In 2006/07 concerns re-ignited over an affair that many believe to be indicative of the structural difficulties that have afflicted the SUSU since 1999. For two years there was no Finance committee. The importance of this constitutional body lies in its role as guarantor of accountability and transparency between the Unions membership and the Sabbatical Officers (in addition to those who advise them). Despite a past failure to convene this Committee the, then incoming, President (Owen Morgan) appeared to sign off the 2005-06 Audit Report on the basis that the non-existent Committee had ratified it. Since then Mr Morgan (re-elected 2007) has repeatedly stated that he has no recollection of signing the document. This matter, alongside other concerns, has prompted an ongoing investigation by Price Waterhouse Cooper.[12]

In relation to this investigation a Swansea University spokesman said: 'The University has received allegations of irregularities in the Student Union. No evidence was provided to justify the allegations but, as a routine precautionary measure, the university's external auditors have been asked to investigate'.[13] Ex Welfare Officer, Miles Goodman attempted to play down the significance of the investigation, describing it as a 'review'.[14] This position was subsequently abandoned when the SU President Owen Morgan refused to comment on confusion pertaining to two conflicting reproductions of the 2005/06 Audit due to the existence of an “ongoing investigation”.[15]

Community Work and Societies

The Students’ Union supports over 70 societies ranging from academic groups to shared interests, politics and conservation groups. Many of the societies are involved in local community work, fundraising and conservation activities. Recent events have included the People and Planet’s campaign to reduce the energy used by the University, the Conservation Society's clearing of the cliffs in the Gower, RAG’s £20,000 fundraising in less than 12 months and the Welsh Society's fundraising for Marie Curie Cancer Care

Guinness World Records

The Swansea University Students' Union has played a massive part in achieving two Guinness World Records in association with online fancy dress retailer Jokers' Masquerade. In 2009 both worked together to break the world record for the largest gathering of Smurfs[16]. In 2011 they again joined forces to break the largest gathering of skeletons record[17].

See also

External links



  1. ^ "Students Union website: Campus Map". Archived from the original on 2007-09-27. http://web.archive.org/web/20070927175317/http://www.swansea-union.co.uk/find_us/campus_map.html. Retrieved 2007-04-23. 
  2. ^ "This is South Wales: UNI BATTLING FOR GLITTERING FUTURE". 2007-03-03. http://www.thisissouthwales.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=161389&command=displayContent&sourceNode=161372&contentPK=16788648&moduleName=InternalSearch&formname=filtersearch. Retrieved 2007-04-23. 
  3. ^ "Union Constitution" (DOC). http://www.swansea-union.co.uk/assets/Union_Constitution.doc. 
  4. ^ "The Waterfront: SGM Goes Multiplatform". 2007. Archived from the original on 2007-09-27. http://web.archive.org/web/20070927154520/http://www.waterfrontonline.co.uk/articles/2007/05/08/sgm-goes-multiplatform. Retrieved 2007-05-11. 
  5. ^ http://swansea-union.co.uk/support/content/709263/got_a_question/
  6. ^ "Waterfront Newspaper". 2007-02-12. http://www.waterfrontonline.co.uk/articles/2007/02/12/sas-lettings-officially-launched. 
  7. ^ "Waterfront: Green Room Moves to JCS". 2006-10-22. Archived from the original on 2007-09-27. http://web.archive.org/web/20070927154341/http://www.waterfrontonline.co.uk/articles/2006/22/10/green-room-moves-to-jcs. Retrieved 2007-05-11. 
  8. ^ "Charity Commission". http://www.charity-commission.gov.uk/registeredcharities/showcharity.asp?remchar=true&chyno=529890. 
  9. ^ "Charity Commission- Exempt Charities". http://www.charity-commission.gov.uk/supportingcharities/ogs/g057a001.asp#a2_2. Retrieved 2007-05-29. 
  10. ^ Charities Commission Ref: GAW/CD(w)/284855, Letter from Charities commissioner to General Manager (Stuart Rice)
  11. ^ Annual Report of Student Union Finance Committee Academic year 2006/2007
  12. ^ Annual Report of Student Union Finance Committee Academic year 2006/2007
  13. ^ "South Wales Evening Post". 2007-02-04. http://www.thisissouthwales.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=161389&command=displayContent&sourceNode=161372&contentPK=16719445&moduleName=InternalSearch&formname=filtersearch. Retrieved 2007-05-29. 
  14. ^ SGM 2007 on the 03 of May. From audio recording SGM_03.05.07 @ 32:52
  15. ^ SGM 2007 on the 12 of June. From audio recording SGM_12.06.07
  16. ^ "The Telegraph". 2009-06-09. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/5484560/World-record-for-most-people-dressed-as-Smurfs-in-Swansea.html. Retrieved 2011-11-02. 
  17. ^ "Guinness World Records". 2009-10-11. http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/news/2011/10/video-jokers-masquerade-smash-skeleton-world-record-at-swansea-university/. Retrieved 2011-11-02.